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18/09/2023 - Bad experiences

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Bad experiences

Francesco Aiesi from Prague, owner of Paneuroproadvisory, asked me to borrow and obtained 1,500.00 euros on 8 April 2022 which he should have returned to me after a month. Being a friend I wasn't breathing down his neck, the fact is that he began to promise the balance from week to week, from day to day. At today he still hasn't honored his debt

Comments by users:
Posted by admin at 18/09/2023 08:04

Petra Jadavanova - Praga

Mi ha chiesto ed ottenuto delle somme in prestito che ad oggi mi deve ancora restiutuire:


Datum zaúčtování      Zaúčtovaná.částka      Měna účtu

11.07.2022 11:51        -10.000,00                  CZK

01.07.2022 08:19          -7.000,00                  CZK

25.04.2022 09:34             -800,00                  EUR


Ha avuto la faccia tosta di chiederne ancora.

Non c'è nessuna relazione tra me e questa, solo conoscenza tramite una terza persona.

Non risponde nemmeno più al telefono. State alla larga da questa persona.




Petra Jadavanová - Praha

Požádal a získal ode mě půjčku, kterou do dnešního dne musí ještě splatit:


Datum zaúčtování      Zaúčtovaná.částka      Měna účtu

11.07.2022 11:51        -10.000,00                  CZK

01.07.2022 08:19          -7.000,00                  CZK

25.04.2022 09:34             -800,00                  EUR


Požádal o další. Mezi mnou a tímto není žádný vztah, pouze známost přes třetí osobu. Už ani nezvedá telefon. Drž se dál od této osoby.




Petra Jadavanova - Prague

asked for and obtained a loan from me and today has yet to repay:


Datum zaúčtování      Zaúčtovaná.částka      Měna účtu

11.07.2022 11:51        -10.000,00                  CZK

01.07.2022 08:19          -7.000,00                  CZK

25.04.2022 09:34             -800,00                  EUR


Further, she asked me more but didn't obtain.

There is no relationship between me and she, acquaintance through a third person only. Today she doesn't even answer the phone anymore. Stay away from this person.